Forum posts by Momo

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  • #27196
    Ah. I see now. Thank you for the details! I didn't realize that this was run by (mostly) one person. That's pretty awesome. I totally get why there's no app version. That's a giant workload. I appreciate you taking the time to reply. :)
    I love this website. I've used it on and off for years. I almost always use it on mobile, so it'd be really handy to have it as an app. I think that a lot of other people would appreciate the convenience of an app form too. I haven't found a lot of good figure drawing reference apps so far in my search, so it seems like there's a space in the market for you guys to make something good. This is by far the best figure drawing website I know. It seems like the creators have a good sense for making intuitive user interface. I'll still definitely be using this website either way because I love it. Thank you for making such a nice tool for artists. :)