29 Second Colorscale Expression Warm-Up Sketch

by Polyvios Animations, January 11th 2021 © 2021 Polyvios Animations

Done as part of a practice session with poses of 29 seconds in length.

My current goal is: Improve my understanding of the forces of my facial muscles, in terms of my facial anatomy.

Hey all! This is my latest colorscale expression warm-up sketch. As you can plainly see, I'm completely and totally having fun improving my quick sketching technique. Mine is sort of fairly advanced to me. I'm definitely and totally looser and livelier and full of more life in my facial anatomy's muscles. So what do y'all think?


It's good that you're having fun! That's a large portion of art motivation. That being said, this image doesn't really clearly read as anything if I'm being honest. I can't make out what the image is trying to convey.


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