© 2022 Roxana Mihaela
Done as part of a 2 hour class.
My current goal is: Better understand human anatomy, so I can render imagined poses
Your sense of proportion and shape, especially in the abdomen, hips, and legs, is excellent. I think you might focus some on developing understanding of the arms and relationship of the neck -> shoulders, and some of those really heavy lines in the more delicate spine area.
Polyvios Animations
But I've got one small request: I love your organic human anatomy, but they don't seem to be pilable enough to me in the light touch. Would you please free up your whole shoulder with 1 hour, 2 minutes of 29 second ruff poses? (3720 seconds/29 seconds=about 128 scribbles) If your next goal is to make your understanding of the human anatomy less geometric, and more organic, lively, and cartoony, then I'd suggest and encourage you to go with it. If you really want more study, then click here. Good night, and good luck.