day 4/100

by Sheeplaurelzzz, November 24th 2023 © 2023 Sheeplaurelzzz

okay the plan of action is...

im gonna do 30 minute class mode figure drawing 100 times, idk sometimes ill have to skip a day ofc, and every 10th session ill do a 1hr session, 31-40 and 81-90 will be expression drawing instead, session 50 and 100 I'll do a 1hr class, 10 minutes per figure, and then ill finish/colour those sketches

Polyvios Animations

Most "supercalifragilisticexpealidocious" show on your range of expression and emotions on your figure drawings. (Disney's Mary Poppins reference, you know) Please keep on pushing yourself smartest to the greatest of extremes!!😀😀😀

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