March 13th, 2024
© 2024 Riva
Just the 30-second sketches for this image. I used this class to focus on the relationship of the hips to the shoulders as that has been something I feel I have been less than sufficient with. Along that same vein, many of my figures have more masculine shapes even on the more female figures. I am focusing on finding what I may be doing in my gestures that might be playing down figures with a more feminine form.
Nicer job on your display of forces over forms in your figures. I completely adore how much strength in terms of the silhouettes and negative spaces and shapes. But, I'm not getting enough of your forceful forces in your poses and attitudes. And the relationships, they seem or look too timid to me yet. Would you like to please just go ahead with another 30 minute drawing class mode of figures with an emphasis of observation of the two primary forms of the hips and ribcage?
As a result of your goal being to get more gestural with the upper and lower torso, then your poses can, shall, and will be able to be more character-driven in terms of storytelling drawings. For more info, please look into The Natural Way to Draw, by Nicolaides on Amazon.com.
Thank you.