
by GdlB, October 25th 2024 © 2024 GdlB
Done as part of a 1 hour class. My current goal is: Improve at correctly capturing the overall proportions of the human form
i noticed quite a few flaws when looking at this

1)the arms

they look unnatural, as if they came from a difrent body and placed on this one.

2)you base looks fine, but the lineart messes everything up

what i noticed is that you arent folowing the base properally. in the drawing at the left the back looks flat bc ur base is to straight and unnatural. the pelivs and ribcage are alighned, when they have to to tilted up a bit. but since u made them straight the arm couldnt reach the box, so u extended the arm and leg

basiaclly, ur anatomy is improportionate and u need to think in 3d. the base also needs some work with being proportionate