New Photo Idea

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Mahatmabolika 7 maanden geleden.

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  • #27491
    I am working my way through Nicoliades' "The Natural Way to Draw." In section 14 he begins to ask the student to draw a model nude, and clothed, in the same pose. I can't find any online references aimed at this. Do you know of any?
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    I don't, but it's a great idea. I'm jotting it down for future photo shoots :)
    I have a significant amount of interest for this concept.
    Does it have to be two drawings?
    The simplest way to tackle that task is to draw nude first. Then, add clothing as a new layer on a nude painting. That’s the way I was taught how to draw people. First, you draw lines that represent human posture. Make them anatomically correct. Add muscles and skin next. Use the same logic when drawing nude/dressed models. You can use tool to copy nude models onto an empty background, print multiple copies, and practice drawing clothing.
    I'm completely on board.
    Hello, Camelia, and welcome to Line of Action. I'm Polyvios, and how are you doing tonight? Say, about that video streaming thing you're really pitching, or really trying to pitch, do you completely think it bears any context of this forum topic? Are you sure?? All in all, thanks for trying.

    Bonjour Camelia et bienvenue sur Line of Action. Je m'appelle Polyvios, et comment vas-tu ce soir ? Dites, à propos de ce truc de streaming vidéo que vous proposez vraiment, ou que vous essayez vraiment de proposer, pensez-vous vraiment qu'il s'inscrit dans le contexte de ce sujet de forum ? Es-tu sûr?? Dans l’ensemble, merci d’avoir essayé.
    Hey Staples,

    I found a video recently that has a model doing similar poses being dressed and undressed. However, their clothes are black and tight fitting and you are probably wanting to train drawing drapery, so it may not be the best for what you are looking for. Might still be a start:

    Happy drawing!

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