Forumberichten van Theo

  • Auteur
  • #31760



    Or a fude nib fountain pen, which allows for great variety, depending on the angle the pen is held.


    The problem seems to be ratio of images: there are too many images of one model. Perhaps the solution is not a filter, but simply to reduce the amount of pictures of any given model which are in circulation at any given time - until we get more pictures of other models :)


    Hello artists,

    I wanted to ask which you found more helpful: reference pictures taken outdoors or those taken indoors. Thanks!


    Nice to meet you Paola!


    Hi! I contribute some modeling references to this site!




    Thank-you! I try to make them beautiful




    Just a quick question for all of you,

    I've been taking a few more pictures with drapery. I was curious whether pictures like these (see Link) are helpful or whether they cover too much of the human form. They look artistically beautiful, but I know this is particularly figure drawing website.



    Sorry, "end" result


    It would depend, I think, on what Artlatius is trying to learn/achieve. For proportion and dynamism, I think it's very fine work - not contrived. The Renee result is quite different than that of cartoon, I would say.




    Are silhouettes helpful for people learning how to draw?


    Thanks for the good ideas - chiarascuro and story telling. I'll try some more of these when I have the time. I would love to do portrait stuff, but I would like to keep my anonymity at this point, so unfortunately no for portraits.