Forumberichten van Shyandkawaii

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  • #29289
    @Akirazen I absolutely have been focusing on form more than gesture and I do need to loosen that up when time is limited, I am excited to take that insight and apply it to my sketches. I appreciate the advice, perspective is a bit daunting but that's the point if I'm aiming to improve <3

    @Jem Switching tools, I think that would help a lot to loosen up with gesture drawings, it'd make shading faster too. I'll watch the video and see if it helps, love that you're aiming to draw from imagination too!

    This is funny in a way because I've literally been playing with the idea I should try one of those box/perspective drawing challenges and this affirms that intuition. Anatomy... orz...I'm always trying to remember tricks and shortcuts lmao one day it'll all sink in XD

    Thank you, friends! \(^o^)/
    • Shyandkawaii edited this post on January 26, 2023 8:55pm. Reason: Didn't realize posts are chronological even if replying to a comment so replying to both so I only make 1 post
    Hi! Honestly, I struggle with the same thing ^^; but I think trying a few 'pose memes' would be a good way to draw your characters doing an action or pose you may not have thought of. I think if you want to combo practice, you could try a few gesture drawings here on this site and transform the gesture into your own character. If you have an artist that you draws poses you like, it's good practice to do a study, try this with different artists (and mediums, magazines, movies, drawings etc) and your mental pose catalogue will hopefully grow and then you can pull from it, at least in theory. I'm still trying to get my catalogue going lol and using a few references is always good :) I used to resist references but it really does help.

    Here's a few pose ideas off the top of my head: walking, crouching and looking at a bug, jumping over a rock, sleeping, slouching in a chair, holding hands with another character, eating.
    Hi! First post but long time site user. Feeling stuck lately, decided to get back to basics and try some traditional studies. I did a 30m class and could use some eyes that aren't mine ^^;

    My goal is to be able to draw figures from imagination 💭
