
Over Keitoyou

Kei /Key/ 𝘕𝘰𝘶𝘯
1.An infinite being that creates content.
2. Spiritual person that translates the unseen through multiple creative medias.
Hello I am Kei! I'd like to think of myself as a visionary as I have passion for many forms of creation.
I graduated from Miami International University of Art and Design with my Visual Arts degree. My favorite type of art to create is Abstract Art but I'm currently creating a digital series that uses my abstract designs as the background to figurative muses.
I'm here to improve my anatomy drawings and add dynamism to my art :)

Keitoyou's prestaties

Potlood op papier achievement badge
Tutorial voltooid achievement badge
Eerste forumbericht achievement badge
Eerste feedback achievement badge
Level 1 Informatief achievement badge
1 uur les achievement badge
Level 1 Behulpzaam achievement badge