Forumberichten van Cristian

  • Auteur
  • #1824

    Hello Dennis !!

    I am glad you decided to keep working hard for what you really feel passionate about, I am just starting my journey in the arts field, but I could remind you one of the most interesting aspects of arts (for me at least) --the learning side of it-- .it is the duty of being always learning something new, and that is as tough as it is amazing, so, do not forget to study a lot, to keep your art senses fresh and growing, keep in mind that fundamental understanding of what you are trying to master, is key. I wish you an awesome and long journey and I will stay tuned to see you improvement over time. :)

    Cheers mate.

    And as a side note, I would like to know a little bit about your short expereince at Full Sail. Is that institution as expensive as I hve heard? and if so, Is it worth it?

    Thank you in advance.
