Nude woman

by Asimpson0414, January 5th 2023 © 2023 Asimpson0414

I had a little trouble with the head of you have any advice please let me know.

Polyvios Animations

Good evening, Asimpson0414, and welcome aboard, and Happy New Year to you. I'm Polyvios and how are you doing tonight?

Nice job on rendering your range of gesture in your figure, and especially, your hands, your feet, and even your facial expression. Keep going farther with your face movements, please!

But, this face in your figure doesn't look or seem to holistic enough to me. How would you kindly sharpen your movement drawings with a 30 minute class of faces and expressions? The real explanation to this is if your goal is to refine the basics of loosening up your head angles, then I would encourage you and you could encourage yourself to do it, for gesture is the first and foremost important step in retaining the gutsiness in any work of art for that matter. For more details, be sure to look into a Proko video of drawing faces. And if you mostly want it, then here:

Good luck, good night, and good health to you and your learning curve.

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Lovely use of guidelines! They really make the movement of this drawing clear. I think the proportions are the bigger struggle. The head is too large in comparison to the hips and legs, but in harmony with the arms. I think scaling up the leg/hip area would help the proportions look more stable and like all her weight can lean onto it. Lastly i like the brush you use, very suitable for sketching.


