



  • 找到账户菜单,就是网站右上角的图标和你自己的用户名。
  • 从账户菜单中,选择“账单”
  • 你即将跳转到账单和账户信息页面。 你的订阅信息将会首先出现在此页面上,然后是用于取消或更改订阅的彩色按钮。


  • 点击右上角的3条线以打开主菜单。
  • Tap the "plus" icon next to your own username in the main menu to open the your account sub-menu.
  • 从你刚刚打开的账户子菜单中,选择“账单”
  • 你即将跳转到账单和账户信息页面。 你的订阅信息将会首先出现在此页面上,然后是用于取消或更改订阅的彩色按钮。



  • 找到账户菜单,就是网站右上角的图标和你自己的用户名。
  • 从账户菜单中,选择“账单”
  • 你即将跳转到账单和账户信息页面。 你的订阅信息将会首先出现在此页面上,然后是用于取消或更改订阅的彩色按钮。
  • 在“订阅信息”框中,点击“输入会员礼品码”按钮。
  • 输入你的礼品码,然后点“使用礼品码”


  • 点击右上角的3条线以打开主菜单。
  • Tap the "plus" icon next to your own username in the main menu to open the your account sub-menu.
  • 从你刚刚打开的账户子菜单中,选择“账单”
  • 你即将跳转到账单和账户信息页面。 你的订阅信息将会首先出现在此页面上,然后是用于取消或更改订阅的彩色按钮。
  • 在“订阅信息”框中,点击“输入会员礼品码”按钮。
  • 输入你的礼品码,然后点“使用礼品码”
如果你目前已为订阅计划付费,在取消自动计费之前,你都不会再看到此按钮。这是为了防止你被重复计费。 即使在取消后,你的账户仍将保留你已预付费的所有会员时间。如果你订阅的是“正式”会员,你的会员礼品码将延长订阅时间。通过礼品码升级为正式会员时,“初级会员”账户将获得一点额外的会员时间。


There are two methods. 1: 转到你的个人资料,点击边栏中的“编辑个人资料”,上传你想要的图像。 2. If you have not uploaded an icon to the site directly, we will attempt to obtain one from GRavatar (Globally Recognized Avatars). You can set one for your email address here: https://en.gravatar.com/ and it will not only appear on this site, but on thousands of sites where you log in with your email address. It may take up to 48 hours for our system to notice that you've added your first avatar to GRavatar -- please be patient.




转到账户设置(位于页面顶部头像后面的下拉菜单中) 输入新密码。 点击“保存”



  • 如果你已登录,请访问此页面以清除你的网站照片缓存: https://line-of-action.com/user/cleartoolcaches
  • 请确保你的浏览器已经是最新版本——旧版浏览器出现此问题的可能性更大,尤其是IE浏览器(微软已停止对其的支持!)
  • 如果你使用插件或浏览器扩展,请禁用所有插件或浏览器扩展,然后重新尝试使用这些工具。如果问题已经解决,请逐个重新启用每个插件/扩展,并在重新启用每个工具后尝试使用这些工具。当工具发生故障,你就会知道是哪个插件导致了冲突的发生!
  • 尝试不同的浏览器——我们一般推荐使用谷歌浏览器。




我很乐意帮助你解决问题。你可以在我们的帮助论坛上请求帮助,或直接与我联系寻求帮助。 请注意,我们使用的语言是英语,如果你用其他语言与我沟通,我必须依靠自动翻译工具才能与你交流,这可能会影响我们理解彼此的能力。 Please include as many details as possible when describing your problem, including what you're trying to do, how you're trying to do it, and what happens when you try. 如果你的反馈没有细节,只是简单地说“它不让我____”或“___ 坏了”,我们需要更长时间才能为你解决问题,因为我们需要提出更多问题才能了解你的问题,然后才能开始着手解决。


How do I find an image again that I particularly liked?

There’s currently no image directory available for easy browsing. In the recent past, this was because the images used in the gesture drawing tools were provided by very generous photographers interested in helping to train fine artists. Some of them specified in the licensing agreement that their images were not to be displayed in any kind of archive. Out of respect for their artwork and their legal rights, we have complied and not added an image archive to the site. However, we are now exploring multiple new methods of expanding our image library, and standardizing our image licensing agreements to make features like this more possible in future. Stay tuned for possible updates to this issue.


你可以为你的个人资料解锁80多个成就徽章!我们在此处提供LoA成就徽章的完整列表。 徽章是自动发放的,通常在获得成就的几秒钟内发放,但有时可能需要长达20分钟的时间。


你可以使用照片包页面上的“立即绘制”按钮练习只使用购买的照片包中的图像: 或者从工具页面的侧边栏,像这样: 如果你也是正式会员,则可以根据购买的任何照片包创建新的自定义播放列表: 完成此操作后,你可以像往常一样重新排序、删除和添加你认为适合自己的自定义播放列表的照片。 请记住,在我们的学习商店购买新照片包能直接支持照片中的模特/摄影师 :) 此外,你购买的任何照片包都将自动成为你所购工具中图像轮播的一部分。你所购照片包的商店页面会告诉你是哪个工具。你只需开始你的练习部分即可,该照片包会与其他图像混合在一起使用!

Why don’t you have a wider diversity in ethnicity and body types?

Most of the current images were provided by generous photographers. Although we have curated the selection, trying to prune out poor quality images or poses with no educational value, we only have what was offered to us. Young, skinny and white made up the vast majority of the images we were sent — however, we agree that this is something that needs to be corrected, and are working toward commissioning our own photo collections to rectify the situation.


非常欢迎你在直播或录制期间使用我们的工具。如果你可以提供跳转至Line of Action的链接,以便其他人也可以使用我们的工具,我们感激不尽!

How do I contribute photos to the tools?

It's easy! While logged in, go to the Submit Photos page. For more information on our policies about photo submissions and the photographer profit sharing program, see here, or see our photo submissions FAQ page.

How do I become a live art model?

Sorry, we're not able to answer this question for you. Here is a page that might have some insight: How to Become An Artist's Model by Kelly Borsheim

How do I apply to model for you?

We aren't currently taking applications from models. However, if you have existing photos you own the rights to that you'd like to submit, we may be able to take those!

Do you have an app? Will you have an app? You should make an app.

Thanks for the suggestion! It's a popular one. For the time being, we've gone out of our way to make the website as mobile and tablet friendly as possible, and will continue those efforts in the hopes that most of the features you'd want in an app can actually be obtained through the one site. We recommend you bookmark the site on your device "desktop" so that you can access it with one tap, like any other app. If the reason you're suggesting this is because you'd like to be able to practice without a wifi/data connection, we hear you. Resource constraints and the photograph licensing agreements we have with a few of our most prolific photographers make producing a "real" app a challenging proposition, but we'll continue to explore potential solutions.








是的,你可以!你可以将自己的作品上传到其他网站(例如DeviantArt、Tumblr、Imgur),你也可以在任何其他网站展示你的作品或请求评论,只要你不出售你使用我们的工具绘制的图像即可。如果你可以提供跳转至Line of Action的链接,以便其他人也可以使用我们的工具,我们感激不尽! 如果你将绘制的图像发布到Facebook并@lineofaction,我们可能会在我们的Facebook页面上展示你的作品!如果你想被展示,请确保将帖子设置为公开。


How do I post images on the forums?

If you have a full or doodler membership, the easiest way is to upload your drawing to your sketchbook. The shortcode that you need to post the image on the forums or in comments around the site will be shown on the drawing's page. It will look something like this: [img]119[/img]
If you want to post an image that is hosted elsewhere, such as on an image upload service like Imgur, Photobucket, Imageshack, tinypic, Imagesafe, or another, then you will need the direct link to the image. Only links ending in .png, .jpg or .gif will work. That means that a link like this won't work to embed an image: https://imgur.com/gallery/q0O8G But this one would work: https://i.imgur.com/beASDB9.jpg Note the .jpg at the end of the link! This means it is a link to an image, rather than to an entire webpage. Once you have a url for your external image, use the img shortcode to embed the image on our forums: [img]http://yourimageurlhere.com/img.png[/img] Remember, if you aren't linking to an image from your Line of Action sketchbook, make sure that the link ends in a valid image filename, like .png, .gif or .jpg




  • 找到账户菜单,就是网站右上角的图标和你自己的用户名。
  • 从账户菜单中,选择“账单”
  • 你即将跳转到账单和账户信息页面。 你的订阅信息将会首先出现在此页面上,然后是用于取消或更改订阅的彩色按钮。


  • 点击右上角的3条线以打开主菜单。
  • Tap the "plus" icon next to your own username in the main menu to open the your account sub-menu.
  • 从你刚刚打开的账户子菜单中,选择“账单”
  • 你即将跳转到账单和账户信息页面。 你的订阅信息将会首先出现在此页面上,然后是用于取消或更改订阅的彩色按钮。


若不想被自动计费,你可以使用 现收现付选项来购买1-12个月的正式或初级会员。





Was your question not answered here? If you’re looking for specific advice or feedback on your drawing practice/career, ask in the forums. If you have a technical issue, contact us directly.