2024 8/18 Two minute figure poses

by Chuckwiche, August 18th 2024 © 2024 Chuckwiche
Practice practice. I do sumi-i mostly, splashed ink, and focus on landscapes. Learning how to represent some figure ideas. Learned about Line of Action in Community College class. Finding I use it more and more.
La dynamique est bien, essaie peut être de représenter les articulations par un cerle plutot qu'un point, ça t'aidera à mieux placer les muscles autour ensuite. Il peut être aussi interessant de délier ton trait, et de ne pas hésiter à faire plusieurs passage pour un même trait, afin qu'il soit plus souple et que ta forme soit plus juste à la fin ! Continue comme ça !
Thanks for the critique. I'll use circles instead of dots. I need to get faster and put in more lines. It helps to have something to focus on. Thank you,
Aunt Herbert
OK, you follow the tutorial on this site nicely. I personally prefer more of a geometical underdrawing, like in this short clip:

but this is mostly a question of personal preference.
Thank you for the lead. This will definitely help make the drawings more realistic. Definitely will use when I get past the two minute sketches.
Ticking Away
[img]https://imgur.com/a/od4P8ft[/img]The best advice I can give you is to use circles instead of squares. Squares are too straight to give the body enough form, the squares are better for establishing perspective. The addition of circles for the shoulders should help you define the chest more accurately, but only if you don't forget they can move independently of one another. For example, you can lift one of your shoulders till it touch the side of your chin while still keeping the other in its natural position. Hope this little advice helps! Don't give up!
Thank you Ticking Away. I see the value of circles in the joints and appreciate the observation they can move independently. Seems so obvious when you say it. Helpful.

