May 15, 2020 5:29am #25684Tried an exercise to do figure studies using only straight lines. It was interesting, haha. Any feedback on how to approach this exercise?
in case it doesnt work: https://scontent.fabe1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/s2048x2048/97238137_690196128461292_4176891962063847424_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_sid=b96e70&_nc_ohc=4yDzHHNgFYMAX9lmPyB&_nc_ht=scontent.fabe1-1.fna&_nc_tp=7&oh=e37a5419da278e7a0a7c8c0478a295bf&oe=5EE3BA5C
Here's the exercise: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/65/74/1a/65741a3771bbc0cb271b25d35031d032.jpgMay 15, 2020 1:13am #25682Thank you all for the feedback! I will try my best to incorporate your advice and most of all, practice as much as possible!May 7, 2020 8:26pm #25653Hi Little Alex, thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to give me such detailed feedback! I really appreciate it. I will try to work on all of your points today and moving forward!May 7, 2020 2:26am #25647https://imgur.com/a/3VhatCu
Hi all, thank you for the feedback a couple of weeks prior. I've been trying my best to draw every day, and here is my 2 weeks progress. I started drawabox.com and tried to incorporate more 3d construction. Please let me know what you think I should try to improve! Thank you!-
Fullmetalrunt edited this post on May 6, 2020 11:26pm.
Fullmetalrunt edited this post on May 6, 2020 11:26pm.
April 27, 2020 7:50pm #25590Fantastic improvement: it really shows that you are studying and understanding how to structure the body better. Using 3d shapes has improved a ton in particular. The work you put in shows a lot. Keep going! :>
1. Consistently you have been drawing with "sketchy" lines, and thus moving forward you can try and use more decisive, cleaner lines. This will force you to pay more attention to what you are looking at, as well as control your drawings better. Even for the mannequinization and 3d shapes, try your best to use clean lines, and as few as possible.
2. Now that you have been getting the hang of normal figure drawing, try exaggerating the pose. If there is a slight hip tilt to the left, draw it so that it tilts to the left more extremely. This will teach you to notice the actions in the poses more. The goal is not to copy the pose exactly any more, it is to learn how poses and the body work so that you can construct your own.
3. Have fun! And try not to "mindlessly" draw everyday. The fastest way to improve is to look back on what you've draw for the day/week and see what you like/dislike, and try to improve it.2April 24, 2020 4:21am #25559I've been drawing almost every day for about a month now. Critiques on how to improve?
I have no formal art training so any tips on how to practice are greatly appreciated! I have been watching proko's videos on gesture drawing. My goal would be to be able to draw poses from imagination, something i have a really hard time doing! -