
  • 作者
  • #1137

    Hi Guys and thanks for the feedback - much appreciated!

    My background is in IT ranging from network support to web design and have got more and more in to art in a kind of natural progression. I am obsessed with Italian Renaissance art at the minute and can's stop buying books and reading about it...I started looking in to figure drawing after studying some of the anatomical studies by the masters - I hope to produce some fine art in the future so feel that I need to study the human form in great detail.

    I have been drawing individual body parts recently (example below) but felt it was time to try a larger project

    As for my first attempt at the full figure, it took me about 8 hours in total over about 5 sessions...I see what you mean about the face now and particularly the eyes. I know the original covered the eye but I was just experimenting (badly :))

    I haven't tried the 30 second gestures yet but will definitely give it a go if you think there is value there...What would be your best advice to someone who is trying to master figure drawing???



    I have been drawing for quite a while but have never tried figure drawing before - I am a bit of a perfectionist and to be honest it just looked too hard and I doubted my ability to pull it off...I know that is a bit stupid so I decided to have a real go at it...

    Anyway, this is my first attempt which I spent quite a lot of time perfecting. Feedback would be extremely welcome thanks!