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  • #775

    This one might be more relevant.

    How to Get Started if You Haven't Drawn Before


    Well you say that but, it is hard to actually do. I know others art is so much better, and while I don't expect mine to be anywhere near as good, I would at least it look mostly right (anatomy wise).

    I imagine all kinds of interesting things or people that I want to draw but it never makes it to the paper intact. Very likely my mental image was incomplete or broken, or my hand just doesn't know how to translate from my head to the page.

    It's frustrating, and I know that I can only improve through practice, but the practice is torture...

    What was I saying? Oh yeah. While I have improved, that alone doesn't make me feel that good, since most things I draw don't even look vaguely correct.


    I guess I can try for 10 minutes a day. That is simple enough. I am starting doing 10 1 minute hand sketches. Since I really want to get better at drawing those.

    I have a stream of my practice on minus, since 10gb should be enough for all my practice work, even if it isn't. It is just practice work and I can delete older pieces if I ever run into the wall.

    All good pieces end up on dA.


    They are not really that good, and might not even classify as 'gesture' drawings.


    Awhile ago I was really into practicing with the figure drawing tool here. I was really hitting my stride.. When, oh no, the tool went down for awhile.

    It was very sad, and so for a few days I didn't practice. Unfortunately that little bit of a break completely destroyed my momentum and I have had trouble getting back into it again ever since.

    I didn't think such a small break would really thrown it off so much. But it did. I for awhile completely forgot to do any art what so ever. It has been months.

    I am trying again to refocus my energies. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!