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  • #2101

    So many new posts! Sorry it took me so long to respond to them, but I got sick last Thursday. The kind that keeps you in bed and the most "active" thing you can do is to watch videos. I am just now able to get to my computer to read all of these responses.

    Its funny that you mentioned that I should start a project florrcorr, cause I was actually planning to do a digital painting and shading project using scanned line-work on Friday, bit I'll have to postpone that until this Friday.

    As a response to LS, I have been thinking about using other mediums like my pens I have laying(lying?) around, and I used to draw some of my gestures digitally, so I think I'll get back into it within the week. Also, nice profile pic. :)

    Thank you Nordstroem for the critique. Having a visual reference helps a lot. Now that you've pointed it out, I really haven't been as careful as I should have in making sure the figure was in a realistic perspective. Nor have I really kept track of the directions of my lines in order to retain the flow of my figures. I would say that 1 good thing that came from this sickness, is that it gave me a chance to re-watch some old Proko videos that I haven't seen in a year. It made me realize that I had completely forgotten what the true purpose of gesture drawing was, which led to my overall, messy gestures.

    I would like to add that I recently bought some Bridgeman books from Amazon the other day in order to research anatomy better than just simply using photo references. In the coming weeks, I will try to improve more than what I have improved in the last year.

    Anyway, thank you to everyone who has responded to my post! :) Now I need to go and take another 3 hour nap.


    Thank you for responding Nordstroem. Each day I try to follow a routine so that I can practice multiple things. I start out by doing some object gestures and shading exercises to warm up. Just recently I added cloth drawing exercises to my routine. Those can be complete in an hour. The bulk of my drawing each day(3-4 hours or so) is used on gesture drawing. Approximately 2 of those hours are timed, with half of that time being the scale-able class timers(30sec at first, 1min next etc). Shorter poses only use simple lines, and longer poses have anatomy. The other half of that time is used on several 10min gestures. After that is usually a 1 hour session where I try to draw from a pose-able figure and I try to add anatomy to it using references. If I have anytime left in the day, I will usually spend it to learn something new via a tutorial. However, I have to admit that it is hard to stick to this schedule due to things like school and the like. I hope I explained what you wanted to know.

    Also, thank you for the recommendation. I haven't heard of New Masters Academy, so I might look into them. Although, a fee might be a bit of a problem if its like a monthly subscription. I'm already looking at about $10,000 dollars debt when I'm finished with school.


    Thank you marymary. It's very inspiring to receive encouragement. It helps me push forward and to keep practicing. It makes me feel better to hear that from another artist.

    Thank you. :)


    Hello. This is my first post on this website and I need advice/critiques. I have been drawing for 1 year now; practicing roughly 4-6 hours a day on average, and each time I make a breakthrough, I eventually hit a depressing wall. For some reason, I tend to zig-zag with the quality of my gesture drawings. Some of them are OK, while later ones are terrible, and then I'll go back to something decent-ish again. So I decided to finally ask for help to get myself on the right track. I'll start by posting some gestures within the last few days. I am sorry if they are not formatted correctly.

    lets see if this link works...
    here are a couple of images

    this should link to my deviantart scrap gallery...

    my gesture drawings here

    please tell me if these work