

Kim (left) and Sanne (right)

There is no big corporation behind Line of Action. It's built and maintained by just one person, who often also has to work other jobs to make ends meet.

Hi! My name is Kim. I built this site back in 2008, and have taken it through multiple versions since then. I also practice on the site alongside you, and see the majority of your forum posts too.

Sometimes, my friend Sanne helps me with site moderataion, helping me clean up spam and solve occasional arguments between users.

If you need to get in touch, the contact form goes directly to me.


Line of Action provides reference photos and practice tools for visual artists to hone their craft.

When it comes to human figure study, Line of Action is committed to expanding the inclusiveness of our model library, and rejecting calls to hide or exclude certain kinds of bodies.

All of our original features are - and will continue to be - provided for free; the only features behind a pay wall are ones that have been added after paid memberships were added to help support the site.


In college, I had lots of access to figure study classes with live models. After I graduated, I did not have the money to hire models on my own, and I would have had to travel a very long way to find a class to join.

So, I created a little slideshow script that mimicked the format of the figure drawing classes that I had had in school. The first version of it only existed on my personal computer, and utilized images I had found just by searching the internet.

Later, I was going on vacation with my family, and wanted to be able to practice while on the road. At that point, I turned the slideshow script into a website. Because I was putting it online and I realized there was a possibility that other people might eventually find it, I wrote to a number of photographers I knew or admired (mostly from the website DeviantArt, back then) and asked if they would be interested in donating photos to the tool. That way, I was only making use of images to which I had the rights. This resulted in a very strange patchwork of licensing agreements that sometimes even complicates what I can do with the site to this day, but it did get the site up and running quickly and cheaply.

Once it was online, I shared the URL with a friend or two from college, and a few online art friends as well... And then I came back from vacation to a giant bandwidth bill! It turned out that in a few weeks word of mouth had made the site very popular. And it only continued to grow from there.

Over the years, I have continued to work on the site, expanding its library with some photoshoots of our own, adding new features, entire new study tools like animals, hands, feet, and envoronments, and supporting artists all over the world.

Our AI policy

Line of Action is here to train human artists. Line of Action DOES NOT allow scraping or AI training using our photosets or user drawings. We will never provide AI generated reference images; only photographs of real people and things. We do not want to see AI art uploaded to user sketchbooks, either.


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新聞和公告 極端縮短參考集#2

我希望新的一年對你有好處!在 12 月的大型網站更新之後,我暫時停止發布版本,休息了一會兒,喘口氣。但常規的照片捆綁包又回來了,我正在幕後開發下一組主要更新和功能。 繼續閱讀

新聞和公告 極端縮短參考

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新聞和公告 維護警告-

我確信您已經注意到,我們一段時間以來一直在與垃圾郵件機器人和緩慢的網站響應時間作鬥爭。我準備了一個更新來解決這些問題 - 以及許多其他錯誤修復、改進和長期要求的功能。 繼續閱讀

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