Daily practice Figure/gesture
© 2020 Momomimi
Taking tips from the critiques I have been receiving and attempting to put them into practice. This is an attempt to try and draw simply without worrying about the details to capture flow. I still feel I need to improve my line confidence since there seem to be too many lines invading the pose. Also, increased practice time to 2 minutes so I could study the figure more. Hope this helped some
Mohtion X
I really like how fluid this piece feels. However, I feel like some of the gesture is lost in the legs and arm. Her right arm seems to have the proper gesture and form, but not so much for the other limbs. So mainly, more articulation of gesture on each jointed part is the main critique here. For this, I would consult a book like "Figure Drawing for Artists" by Steve Huston (don't get obsessed with just practicing what's in the book like I did though). And, you might have also heard of the youtube channel, Proko, which is pretty good for stuff like this.
Drawve (unregistered visitor)
Damn !!! On right track.