31 days of "pay what you want" full membership

I'll be honest, I was scared about offering this - I woke up at 4am last night and couldn't get back to sleep over anxiety that no one would give more than $1 and we'd have a month of almost no income, precisely when more server resources are being used than EVER before. The site is literally setting a new usage record for itself almost every daytime hour this week.

But I know it's the right thing to do, so we're doing it!

To help support those of you stuck inside during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are offering 31 days of "pay what you want" full membership. Full memberships allow you access to goal setting and tracking, achievement badges, more control over what images you see, unlimited image uploads and automatic critique requests, access to the Scenes and Environment drawing tool, and more.

If you're in a tight spot, it's okay to pay as little as $1 -- no shame, no questions asked, no judgement. If you CAN afford more, please help to support the unprecedented usage the site is experiencing right now. You can still participate in this if you are already a subscriber; this will delay your next billing date about 31 days.

This does not set up a subscription, so you won't be re-billed if you aren't already a subscriber.

Use this link to pick your price: https://line-of-action.com/store/paywhatyouwant

If you run into any problems, please contact me.


Still just going to pay the full sub. Even though I dont practice as much as I should its still a good resource to help fund.
Kim - 網站管理員
Thank you so much! We so appreciate the support, especially right now :)
steph (unregistered visitor)

it would be a good idea to put what the full membership is normally worth in this post, that way we can compare that minimum $1 to what it would normally cost, and if people want to give more generously to support your efforts they know what kind of range is over the normal cost of a full membership.
Kim - 網站管理員
I do have it on the actual "pay what you want" page, but I'll update this post too :) Thanks!
The reward tier I got from the 2018 fundraiser said I would have a lifetime membership but I've suddenly been downgraded to a free account. All of my sketchbook images are gone and I'm being asked to buy a subscription.
*my sketchbook images are actually still there
Sanne - 網站版主
Hi Suse!

I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, you are for sure supposed to have a lifetime membership! Kim has been down with a fever this past week, but she's working on catching back up on her workload and will get to this as soon as humanly possible.

Please sit tight just a little bit longer, and thank you so much for your patience. :)
Is this going to auto-renew after the 31 days is over and charge me full price tho?
machaela (unregistered visitor)
in appologize i love line of action my drawing has improved so much if i could rate it 1 to 10 i would rate it a 12 people are so positive on here i definately reccomend this site to many people


