Figure Drawing Critique Request

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Majavhv 3年前.

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  • #26720
    Hello fellow artists! I've been messing with figure drawing for quite a while now and would really appreciate some feedbacks from the forum!

    here are some of the drawings:

    I mis-named some of the photos and some 1min ones actually took 2min.

    Also one question: what exactly are we training for here? from what I feel right now I am drawing to get familiar with human body and gesture. Don't know if this is a very effective way of learning.

    Thanks in advance and cheers!
    • Luke edited this post on February 12, 2021 11:56pm.
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    Greetings, Luke, excellent progress you've got there on your Google Drive! Well, if I could and would give you some advice, then it would and should be to please, please, please, please work out the looser and exaggerated forces and gestures of 117 minutes of 2 minutes of drawn poses????? And why?????? Because, It would, could, and should make your gestures and spaces less stiffest, and even more solidest, fluidest, and spontaneous.
    And another thing: "Practice on the Days That You Eat." -Daniel Coyle, The Little Book Of Talent.
    Good luck from me to you, and I hope you've found these completely and totally influential, inspirational, and absolutely educational and advisory.
    Hi Luke.

    You have some really nice drawings, I especially liked the page with three female poses that had a simple and dark shadow. These poses could have been even stronger if the starting lines had been bigger, looser and longer. I'm not sure which are which, but on the poses that look like they are 30 or 60 seconds it looks like you are drawing too fast, trying to capture the whole pose in this short time and that the big swoops or gesture lines, suffers a bit. Try doing some short timed poses, 30 second might even be too long infact. Just put down the long swooping directional lines explaining the gesture. This means that when the time is up you will probably be looking at only two long direction lines and an oval for the head. It's a huge benefit to hold the pencil with the flat side against the paper and doing soft and long searching lines in this stage. Once you accept this simple way of expressing a pose you can then lengthen the time a bit, but still use this same type of approach. The added time will add more detail, don't rush. Good luck!
    wow these are amazing really nice job, i love what you have done with shadows in the tree women and the siluet aproach in some of the other ones. I don't think i have the skill to give you pointers, but i would like to thank you for sharing your work since i think this is going to help me out. However i do agree on "Thestrippers" point on adding a "line of action" -see what i did there.. oh well... good luck with it. :)

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