anytime i try to do the figure study class it pops up the first photo and that's it
I need more info. Does the timer not move? Does the timer not appear at all? Are there buttons? Do the buttons work at all to advance things? Does it seem to think it's working but the image never refreshes despite the timer moving along?
Thank you for replying to answer some of the thing you brought up
There is no timer and won’t refresh unless I click the buttons at the bottom I can change to the next photo same thing will happen no timer and no refresh . I have tips and guide turn on, they also don’t seem to work with the class's mode on
If you turn them off, does it work as intended?
Apparently it does work with out the tips our thank you. I guess I didn’t think to turn them off to see if they work with out it.
Well, I'm glad we found a work around, though clearly we still need to fix the underlying issue!
I'll be honest, I'm a couple of weeks out from releasing a new version of the tools into beta testing, so I may leave this as a "will not fix" until we see if the new version works for you :)