
  • 作者
  • #1223

    Your drawings are very expressive, the sense of movement and energy is really nice!
    I love this figure drawing exercise, it's really helping me to get back into drawing again and get a feel for what people's bodies do.
    Here's a couple of rubbish pics of my practice today... Using a sharpie. Do you have a favourite pen for drawing on paper? I haven't really found one that works for me yet!
    I would love to see more of your practices, and anybody else's too.

    They're very rough, please excuse them, I am just getting started. Hopefully consecutive ones will be better :)


    I used to draw fanatically until 5yrs ago when life changed (finished high school, left home, met ex-bf who was older and a mad skilled illustrator... Got discouraged and gave up.) now I'm going to pick up where I left off - there's so much to learn and I'm looking forward to using this site as a practicing tool.

    Has anybody else had a similar experience of setting the drawing aside and later regretting it?

    I feel like drawing is the one thing that makes me feel truly happy no matter what and I'm so glad I came back to it. I'm also hugely sad about my complete neglect of my drawing skills over the past 5yrs. It's so intimidating to start again! I could have become so much more skilled in that time! On a more positive note, i've also realised how much a sense of pride holds you back. A few years and a bit of age made me realise how unimportant being better than others is. Now I just want to be the best artist I can be. I love the process of creating so much that the end results and their value (or lack thereof) is relatively unimportant.

    Here's a couple of bits of practice from this week. Humble beginnings but beginnings nonetheless. Hopefully will be seeing lots of improvement over the next few months. Will keep updating as I go.

    How did you get back on the horse? Was there a catalyst in your life that spurred you to start, or restart, an art practice as an adult? How did your experience differ the first and second time around?