Trex Junior的論壇貼

  • 作者
  • #26388

    Hi community,

    I've been practising figure drawing for past 3 months roughly, and I'm definitely a beginner at the moment.

    It was just yesterday when I first learned about Force method- it seemed to be really cool, so I tried and implemented the Force method to how I usually draw any human figures. I think it turned out quite well, but there's always some mistake you can never notice until you learn more.

    So here I am, asking for crituqe and advice from you guys, mainly considering 3 points.

    1. Am I doing the Force method correctly?

    2. Is the line weight allocated properly?

    3. Please tell me how to do better shading, right now I have no idea

    This is the picture I wanna get criticized of;

    and this is the reference photo

    Many thanks in advance!