Polyvios Animations的論壇貼

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  • #30675

    Hello, Kluwelyn, and welcome back. Say, way to go on your harder work on your drawing process of sketching out your figure relationships. I think that you are getting more successful in your figure proportions, angles, spaces, and edges. But, I feel that I'm not getting enough of those flowing and more than fluider quality into your drawing process of figure studies. Why don't you please go ahead with 45 minutes of 5 minute poses (9 drawings), all drawn underhand?

    The reason why you could and would do this suggestion is because, your figure's relationships (proportions and angles), will be more successful in terms of how well you can and will push the guts and liveliness into your attitudes. For most info for exaggeration and expression in poses, please look into the free PDF of the Walt Stanchfield Series Volume 2 here.

    Let's hope you'll take these with a littler grain of salt.

    2 1

    Hello again, Kim, but I think you did the right thing by having Amazon affiliate link images on your site. But if Amazon doesn't like it, that's the students' loss.


    So, as I was saying, Kim, can't you just contact Amazon and try to reason with them not letting you show link images on your site?


    Hello and welcome to Line of Action, Kluwelyn. I'm Polyvios, and I'm doing finer, and how are you? Say, I must love how much of an effort you're pouring into your shorter sketches, and how much thought and time and thought you've suddenly applied to your longer drawings of the human figures. However, I've got two small issues: 1) I'm not getting enough of that expression and emotion in your lines of action and rhythm in your shorties. 2) When you've mapped out your relationships and spaces, you've seemed to have watered the spark of life in your attitudes down too much. Would you like to please go ahead with our interactive drawing tutorial here on our site?(If you completely haven't already)

    The reason why you need to use our tutorial is, consequently, your forces, lines, forms, and shapes will and can be constantly improved and innovated. You'll soon get a head start in your warmups at first, and next, go for retaining them in your more sustained sketches. So, my hat's off to you.


    Hello, heliganreigns, welcome aboard. So, nice show on how loose your lines are, but I'm so in love with how much dynamism you've got into your expressive posing, but however, I'm not getting enough of that flexibility of those lines of action in terms of curves against straights. How would you like to please go with our interactive drawing tutorial on our website here, if you haven't already, please?

    As a result, your understanding of gesture drawing will surely get better and more refined than you're used to.

    Hope this works, and thanks.


    I can't believe that I don't believe Amazon wouldn't and couldn't let you show your link images in 2024, Kim. Can you please reason with them tomorrow morning?


    Hey, why is Sanne or anyone not taking action on the hidden link images yet??


    To Whom It May Concern,

    I was looking through this site, but all of a sudden, the links all have boxes with question marks on them.🎁❓❓❓ I clicked on them, but they took me to their products on Amazon, and furthermore, I didn't have any time too bookmark or put them on my reading list. Therefore, it's too understand that it may be something to do with DuckDuckGo's privacy settings on my devices. Please take action right away!

    Polyvios Animations


    Hello, Oyster, welcome to Line of Action, I'm Polyvios, Polyvios Animations, and how are you doing? Say, I think your first ever attempts do show some promise. These have a the potential in the world, in regards to line of action, and the looseness of lines of rhythm, but in terms of the simple construction and silhouettes of the attitudes. But, however, these all show some stiffness, but blandness, and therefore, some awkwardness, too. Would you like to please kindly go ahead with our interactive drawing tutorial here on our website?

    Thevreason why you could and would be on board is because, your control and understanding of the ideas of gesture drawing will become really strong, but really ambitious, in terms of ideas but with execution. And if you wanna learn more about gesture drawing, learn more about gesture drawing right here on this link. (For some lines of action, of course)

    Good luck from us to you and your eternal journey. Happy New Year from us to you.


    Hi, Euphony. I completely think that the simple outlines and shapes are getting more flowing and on the right track. But I still feel that the potential is really shining though. The good message, I think still you're getting a stronger idea on the lines of action and rhythm, but the strong message is that the lines of action could and would have been more boiled down to their rawer essences. Why don't you please free up your lines and hands with 16 minutes of 2 minute poses? (8 drawings)

    The reason why you would and could do this is as a result, your lines and forms will be soon drawn more organic, flowing, but fully fluider. I feel that you're still gonna get this. For more info, please look into the Tonika Pantoja videos on YouTube about gesture drawing for art, cartooning, and animation.

    Let's hope these can, shall, and will moreso work.


    Hello Josefe, the great message, I don't think you're doing anything wrong with that drawing. I can tell you've been following the tutorial very dillgently, but I can totally see your lines moving in a great direction.

    But the bad message is, that the poses are still too stiff to me yet. How would you like to try the interactive drawing tutorial here?

    The reason why you could and would go for this again is because your understanding of the basic fundamentals will be done less stiff but more dynamic, expressive and flowing.

    And if you wanna have more inspiration, please look into some tutorials on Proko's website and YouTube channel, free of charge. The premium videos come with some prices, but the free ones are all entry level for all students.

    My hat's off to you.


    Hello, Sunk9ller, and welcome to Line of Action. I'm Polyvios Animations, and how are you doing? Great job on your lines of action and rhythm and anatomy in construction of the OCs. I just totally love the amount of effort and incentive in your drawn designs. Keep up the great works. But, I'm still self-aware that the anatomy is still too stiff on your fluidity of the poses and bones and muscles. How would you like to please draw more underhandedly but more from your non-dominant hand, but with our interactive drawing tutorial here on our here on our site?

    As a result, if you please could loosen up your hands and shoulders, then you could and would be able to get loose and light shapes and lines in your contructed anatomy. You're not here to make a pretty drawing, you're here to draw to make the paper and canvas go away. Kindly look into the Walt Stanchfield book Vol. 1 here, too.

    Good luck from us to you. Merry Christmas.


    Hello, and welcome, Euphony618. How do you do?

    Say, your lightest touch in your force lines are mostly spot on. I definitely think you're showing off some promise. I feel that the gestures are still too rigidest in their emotions yet. How would you like to loosen up but draw largest with your lines by doing 22 minutes of 2 minute pose sketches? (11 poses)

    Because, your robobean anatomy will be executed at the most expressive but furthermore, the extremely emotional in terms of your thoughts but with your feelings. For most inspiration, kindly look into a bunch of free videos, on Proko.com. Although, the premium lessons cannot come for free, but cost money. Let's hope what I have, rubbed off on you totally.


    Greater job on drawing the quicker poses, but not stopping the timer. I love the motion and flow. I think your skills are definitely building up fairly quickly, but I feel that the lines of action in your poses are not too looser enough yet. Why don't you please liven them up with 6 minutes of 30 second poses? (12 poses)

    As a result, your lines of action can and will become lesser than stiff, but more vital, energetic, but spontaneous in your expressions. For most info on learning how to distill your traits of the poses, kindly refer to any drawing from Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics.

    My hats off to you.


    Welcome aboard, Swampat, and welcome to our website. I'm Polyvios, Polyvios Animations. How do you do. Say, I think that you're very astute in terms of the technicality of the forces over the forms, spaces, and shapes of the figures. I feel that these lines are too timid to me yet. Would you like to please learn some highly new habits with our interactive drawing tutorial here, and some of this there, too.

    You can and will be able to be completely clear about your artistic goals and aims, but your gesture drawing basics will become more loose but more honed with more grinding. I am not too sure about the grind part, but I think it practicing more quantitatively.

    Good luck from me to you.